August 2011

In August 2011, the General Contractor finished the construction of 80% of the brick walls in the new part of the building. Still, the ceiling above the lift shaft (where the travelling crane is placed right now) has to be done. 

Continuous footings and ferroconcrete walls of the garages were constructed. Works for the water system and the central heating system were continued. 

Public proceedings concerning the storage of the pipe organ?s elements during one year (until they are installed in the renovated concert hall) were concluded. Among all the offers, the company Karl Schuke Berliner Orgelbauwerkstatt GmbH turned out to be the least expensive. The amount did not exceed 14 000 euros net. 

In August, the finished parts of the organ were packed to 4 containers, where they will be stored until the end of August 2012. A representative from the Silesian Philharmonic was present during this process. 

On the 1st September 2011, the Silesian Province Monument Conservator decided to change the conservation permit: this decision was a response to the letter submitted on the 20th July by the Silesian Philharmonic. 

On the 22nd August 2011, the designer gave the building design?s annexe to the Investor. The General Contractor is now writing a new building schedule based on the new documents.