November 2012

In November 2012 the financial advancement of the contract on the continuation and completion of the construction works of the project reached 29% of the contractual value. 
The construction works were continued in the existing building, comprising reinforced concrete walls, floors and steel structures. Great progress was observed in the construction of walls and partitions, as well as insulation channels and horizontal insulation. The grouting works were completed in 97%. The flush-mounted electric installations and sanitary installations (apart from the sanitary fixtures) were completed in the newly erected building. 
Works in the area of the roof and the patio of the existing building, as well as internal finishing works and the insulation of the newly erected building were commenced. 
The electric and sanitary installation works were continued in the whole building. 
The total net value of the construction works executed in November 2012 amounted to PLN 1,623,261.80. 
On 7, 14, 21 and 28 November 2012 technical councils were held on the site with the participation of the Contractor, the Designer, the Contract Engineer and the Investor. 
On 23 November 2012 a meeting of the Investor?s representatives with the administrator of the building located at Pl. Wolności 3 was held, devoted to the construction works in the area of the wall shared by both real estates. 
On 23 November 2012 the inspection of the project on the site of the project execution, conducted upon the commission of the Marshall Office of the Province of Silesia, was completed. Until the end of November 2012 the inspectors were being provided with copies of documents and all sorts of summaries and clarifications.