October 2012

In October 2012 the General Contractor ? Mostostal Warszawa SA ? continued the works in the existing building: over 50% of the lift shaft was executed, the base slab was completed and ca. 90% of the reinforced concrete walls were executed in the axis 12/14-15, 95% of grouting works were completed, just like most ceilings and reinforced concrete walls, as well as ca. 90% of fire protected steel structures. 
In the added section, the assembly works in the field of electric and low-current installations were continued. Ca. 80% of electric installations in the transformer substation were completed. The total net value of the works executed in October 2012 exceeded PLN 1 million. 
On 3, 17 and 29 October technical councils were held at the construction site, attended by the contractor, the designer, the Contract Engineer and the investor. 
On 17 October 2012 a meeting with the Silesian Provincial Historic Preservation Officer was held at the construction site. The meeting concerned the construction works, the historic illumination and the historic study of Director Stryja. In October the project inspection carried out by the Marshal Office of the Province of Silesia was continued.